Math Dept. Seminar - "Ideal Containment in Commutative Rings" - Prof. Abdelslam Mimouni
College of Computing and Mathematics
Mathematics Department
Presents a Seminar
"Ideal Containment in Commutative Rings"
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Time: 11:00 am
Location: Bldg. 5, Room 103
Prof. Abdelslam Mimouni
Department of Mathematics
College of Computing and Mathematics
KFUPM, Saudi Arabia.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity. An ideal I of R is said to be a big ideal (resp. an upper big ideal) if whenever J ⸦ I (resp., I ⸦ J), J^{n}⸦ I^{n}$ (resp., I^{n}⸦ J^{n}) for every positive integer n; and R itself is a big ideal ring provided that every ideal of R is a big ideal. In this talk, we will present recent developments of the notions of big ideals, upper big ideals and big ideal rings in different contexts of commutative rings and show that how these notions correlated to some well-known notions such us basic ideals, C-ideals, Ratliff-Rush ideals and more. We give a new characterization of Pr\"ufer domains via big ideal domains.
Short bio of presenter:
A. Mimouni is a Professor at KFUPM. His interest is commutative algebra, mainly Multiplicative ideal Theory.
All faculty, researchers and graduate students are invited to attend.
Department of Mathematics, College of Computing and Mathematics
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